Monthly Archives: October 2023

Sharp rise in UK firms at risk of going bust….

There has been a sharp rise in the number of UK companies at risk of going bust, data seen by the BBC suggests…. Running a business can be difficult at best. Why not get yourself a business coach? Contact Business Coaching Manchester 0161-8812213

Who you listen to matters!

When it comes to your business who do you listen to? Your spouse? Your parents? Your friends? Your neighbours? The postman? Your accountant? Your staff? Your competitors? None of these people have ever been in your shoes. Not many of these people have owned a business. They haven’t owned a business like your business. It’s […]


Sixty-Five Percent (65%) of businesses Data shows that 20% of all new businesses fail within the first 2 years of opening. 45% fail within the first 5 years of opening AND 65% of all businesses fail within the first 10 years of opening! The most common reasons are: Don’t let this happen to your business. […]

Good at Your Job Not at Your Business?

You’re at work. You’re employed. And VERY good at what you do. Maybe you’re a dentist, a teacher, a builder, a chef, an accountant. You know what to do. You could do this job with your eyes shut, you show others what to do. After coming home from work, you laugh & you sleep. So […]

The Road to Nowhere!

No matter how much time you have your work will always expand to fill it. So if you’re not strict with your daily routine you’ll end up working for hundreds of hours each month on activities that will lead you NOWHERE! Develop a daily schedule that includes dedicated time blocks for specific tasks. This structure […]