There are lots and lots of things that you can do to market your business. But just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should do it. Do what you do for the right reasons. Be wary of investing in things because they are popular or are what everybody else does. Be resistant […]
Monthly Archives: December 2022
There’s a common place for business owners. Being busy. We’re supposed to give you a pass because you’re full on, all day. You were frantically moving from one thing to another. You never paused to catch your breath and now you’re exhausted. But there are non points for being busy. You get points for successful […]
When your business gets a new lead or enquiry – how long does it take you to get back to them? 10 minutes? An hour? A day? A week? If you call after 10 minutes you have a 92% chance of getting hold of them. If you leave it for 30 minutes it’s 65%. After […]
7 December 2022 – YouTube
If you ever feel that you or your business aren’t where you want to be then this story might be of interest to you. I heard it told by Perry Marshall (If you don’t know who Perry is- he’s one of the world’s leading authorities on Google Ads). There are quite a few cheesy Americanisms […]
It’s hard being an entrepreneur. Anyone who thinks it’s easy is fooling themselves. Getting even a single additional customer can often be the hardest thing. Which is why you need a fortress. Not one with flags or battlements. You need a fortress to protect two things. Your mind. And your time. How you think and […]